November Spiritual Fitness Day 3

Are you a giver? Do you donate and give your money freely and without abandon?

I think that it, obviously, is easier to be extremely generous when we have been blessed financially. When things aren’t tight, and the budget isn’t as strict; it’s easier to give to those in need.

But that isn’t what God commanded us to do. He entrusted us with everything, our bodies (which I am confident all of your reading this are taking good care of, and if not I will be expecting emails to get on that right track šŸ˜‰ ) our children, our homes and yes, even our money.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Proverbs 3:9 (NLT)

God commands us to give back to Him, what He has given to us. And He also promises that when we do this, we will be blessed exponentially.Ā 

Rick Warren hits the nail on the head pretty hard, when he says “you may think that you can’t afford to give, but the truth is, you can’t afford not to”.

This is probably one of the toughest ways to practice our faith, our society has us so “trained” to be stingy and clingy with our money. It’s OURS, WE earned, WE get to do with it whatever we want, it should go to things to make US happy. But you know what’s funny, and what my family has experienced first hand? Is that when you step out in faith, and live as though the money isn’t really yours, and you give God back his portion of it, you WILL be blessed in return.

Remember, He’s the ultimate promise keeperĀ 

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