Off Plan For The Holidays?

It is a busy time of year.

Christmas parties, gingerbread houses, sugar cookies, egg nog, etc…nothing seems to fit your macros and you are stressing!! 

Pro tip:: STOP!
It is perfectly acceptable to eat off your nutrition plan and to skip workouts over the holidays. 

A few things to remember though-

  1. You’re not exempt from the consequences of your off plan choices::chances are you will gain a few pounds, and experience some reduced progress. Don’t freak out, it’s not ALL fat and it will come off. 
  2. Think moderate thoughts. There is a theme of either restriction or going rogue over the holidays. And you need to meet in the middle. Enjoy a celebratory meal, the occasional cocktail, etc. Balance it out, however, with plenty of water, some clean lean protein and a sweat session here and there to keep your head in the game. 
  3. Relax! It’s only food! No one is shoving it down your throats, and chances are you’ll be able to have it again in the future. So you don’t need to eat it ALL. 

Merry Christmas! 

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