How To Get Off The Mom-Stress-Eating Hamster Wheel

Let me know if any of this sounds familiar:

  • spend all day tending to the needs of others
  • feel stressed and tired/anxious/upset
  • overeat
  • feel guilty for overeating
  • feel more stressed for overeating
  • tell yourself you’ll “do better” tomorrow
  • “white knuckle” a restrictive program for a few days/weeks
  • still experience everyday stressors and end up falling off your strict plan
  • feel stressed/tired/anxious/upset for “cheating”
  • Repeat


Mamas, you’re not alone! I like to call this the Mom-Stress-Eating Hamster Wheel. Once you’re in/on it it feels all consuming and like you are getting no where. Your days are filled to the brim, and while you want change, it feels like there is no room to wiggle and that you are stuck on the track you’re on.

Deep breath.

Let’s break out of the cycle.

Part One: Identify what is happening in those initial overindulgent moments and look for patterns.

  • Who are you with?
  • What are you feeling?
  • What is going on around you?
  • What happened a few hours before? What’s happening a few hours later?
  • What are you thinking?

Even if it’s just mental notes, focus on being mindful of what is leading you to those moments of uncontrolled, guilt ridden moments.

“It’s that time of the month, I want to eat everything in sight”

“I just left a get together with ________ and now I need to pull through the drive thru for a shake and large fry”

“I didn’t sleep well last night, have to swing through the bagel place on the way to work”

“I just got off the phone with _________ now I need that bar of chocolate I keep in the freezer”

Are just a few examples of scenarios that might pop up.


Part Two: Focus on small changes that you can make to redirect your energy to a healthier outlet.

Is there something you can replace the stress induced eating with that you know is a healthier choice?

“I know that this week of the month is when I’ll get my period, I’ll be sure to have healthy snacks in the house and keep the tempting foods out”

“Next time I have a get together with __________ I’ll be sure to have a healthy meal beforehand, and go for walk afterwards to unwind.”

“I need to go to bed a little earlier tonight, I know tomorrow is a crazy day.”

“Next time I get off the phone with ________ I’ll go workout to release some tension.”

Next, let’s look at being consistent with your goals.

“I want to be able to stick with something, and I’ve tried EVERYTHING”

That right there might the problem. There are a LOT of programs out there, and they’re awesome, but they don’t take into consideration your everyday life; the unexpected schedule changes, the trips, the sick kids, etc etc.

Choose a program that holds you accountable, and that recognizes that you live in the real world, and not an uber controlled bubble where your whole world revolves around a diet and workout schedule.


Some things to look for in a lasting program:

  • It recognizes that you have a real, often hectic, life
  • It meets you where you’re at and offers small changes you can make each day
  • It holds you accountable-doesn’t just spit a graphic or meal plan at you and wish you good luck
  • It can be customized to your lifestyle
  • It preaches lasting, like lifelong lasting, change
  • It’s fun! You should enjoy doing it
  • It’s scalable, meaning that you can grow with the program and as your goals change so does the program
  • Offers structure AND flexibility

The big kicker, though:: Make yourself accountable to a real person, who really cares.

It’s one thing to look up workout and diet info on Pinterest or buy into DVD programs that promise a brand new bod in 60 days. But when you have someone you trust in your corner, keeping your head in the game, picking you back up when you fall (because you will), and checking in with you along the way. Social support and accountability from a REAL person can make all the difference. Don’t do it alone! You’ve got a lot going on with being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, chauffeur, cook, nurse, maid, etc etc…you don’t need to be your own coach too.

With all that being said, you CAN get off the wheel. You CAN make the changes you want to make. You CAN get control back and feel amazing.

SPELL Fitness offers customized, sustainable, accountable, affordable and FUN coaching. If you’re ready to make lasting change, contact me today!


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