What Does God Say About Health and Fitness?

This is such a broad and open-to-opinion subject, but since faith is the basis for what my business is built on, I wanted to write a post about how I interpret the Word when it comes to our bodies and our health. (Key being I interpret…as in, this is my opinion. You’re entitled to yours as well 🙂 )

God created us to be in His image, perfect and blameless before Him. We fell short in the Garden of Eden, but have been redeemed through the sacrifice of His Son. Now we have one earthly body, and an eternity of perfection promised to those who accept that Jesus is their Savior. That earthly body is what I’m interested in 😉 I don’t think God put us here to just go through the motions. 2 Timothy 1:7 ““For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.  We are to be intentional with our lives, and to take control of them, including our health. He gave us things to enjoy! Beautiful places to see, amazing people to meet. But if we are tired, or hungry, or sick…we can’t fully enjoy what He has provided for us. Obesity and eating disorders are directly linked with anxiety and depression, when the body is not properly fed and conditioned, it affects us on more than just an aesthetic level. Hormone levels get thrown all out of whack, which leads to emotional instability, sleep disruption, appetites get blown out of proportion, and it creates a vicious cycle. Please note, that I am not saying that everyone has to be a certain clothing size, or fit into a certain “look”. The key is that we are HEALTHY, and that could look a little different for everyone.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” 3 John 1:2

I think that God wants us to be happy, to enjoy His creation, to feel a sense of balance and pleasure in life. And in my experience, being in a state of physical health makes all of those more of a reality. Not feeling exhausted at the end of a walk around a shopping mall, being able to get good restful sleep, having your hormones balanced so that unexpected life stressors aren’t as overwhelming, having energy to run and play with your kids, feeling confident in your skin; these are not things of vanity. Yes, there are people who will take them to the extreme, and become obsessed and lose sight of what is really important. But God doesn’t want us to forget about the fact that we have a body, a temple for His Holy Spirit, a gift from Him that we are to treasure and care for.

“Because My Body Is a Temple” 
“1 Corinthians 6:19”

Love yourself like God loves you. He wants you to be happy, to be healthy, to be balanced, and to enjoy this life.

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