Quit telling yourself it’s too hard

Dieting is overwhelming

There is a lot of information out there

“Carbs make you fat”

“Everything has cancer causing chemicals”

“Fat is your friend”

“Drink this pink/purple/green/red drink and you’ll never struggle again”


Girls, there is a better way! Granted, it might take a wee bit of effort on your part, but how does that phrase go? “Good things come to those who WORK”

So what if you took a second to work,  to work on learning about your body, to work on learning about your food, to work on learning about the reasons you struggle and the reasons you feel food has become such a sticking point in your life?

Flexible dieting and macro tracking is an amazing, freeing method to be able to allow for any and all foods to be consumed, nothing is off limits. That’s right, nothing.

It does require some counting, but let’s be honest, we count EVERYTHING  else in life we care about: money, grades, scoring for sports, quantities for jobs, points towards prizes, everything else that we count doesn’t seem to bother us or feel unnecessary. So why do we tell ourselves that counting what we put into the one and only body we get is SOOO overwhelming and SOOO time consuming and SOOO impossible? If you wanted to save up for a house, you’d count your money and pay attention to it. If you wanted to get out of credit card debt, you’d count your money and pay attention to it. If you want to get a promotion at work, you count your contributions to various projects and hours and pay attention to them. If you want to win a sporting event, you count the points earned and pay attention to them.

So, why then, when you want to change your body, your health, your relationship with yourself and you’re asked to count, do we buck so hard?

Answer: cuz we’re lazy!


Sorry! I know it and you do too, it IS tedious, it IS frustrating, it IS new and challenging and a lot of times reveals some not so pleasant realities (*ahem* that “serving” of peanut butter turned out to be 3!)

BUT if you know what you’re putting into your body, like really know, you can make change. You can manipulate the amounts of foods you love to be able to enjoy them, you can stop the hamster wheel of “I’ll just do a cleanse, a reset, a detox after I have this” and you’ll stop wasting money on gimmicky products that may work for a minute, but you always end up feeling like you never quite got what you were hoping for…

Ladies, you are capable of more. You’re capable of taking back the reins of self control and being able to LIVE your life without having to have a rigid set of rules or a “name” for the reason you’re eating what you choose other than “it just freaking tastes good”.

What was it that was holding you back again?


It’s you.

Let’s do this thing!





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