Finding Freedom

Instead of constantly trying to fit ourselves into the box of “health and fitness” or “this diet or that”, what if we chose freedom? Freedom and grace? As daughters of the Risen King, we are granted that amazing gift. All too often I think that the chatter of the world clouds our view of that grace, and we get bogged down with how sub par we are compared to the world’s standards.

Truth is, you’re not. 

  • The freedom comes when you stop evaluating yourself based on the number on the scale.
  • The freedom comes when you view your fitness as a chance to strengthen the Living Temple you have been given.
  • The freedom comes when you remove the notion that you can soothe emotional stress or pain with foods, and instead turn to your Father for his peace and guidance.
  • The freedom comes when you realize that you have been given insurmountable amounts of grace…and that if you stumble along the way, it’s ok to get back up and keep going.
  • The freedom that comes when food is fuel, not a crutch. You can enjoy anything, but it is not something that is consuming you with numbers and restrictions. Mindful, intentional eating of foods that fuel your body in healthy ways.

Don’t overcomplicate it. Eat foods that make you feel good (like healthy, not like numb). Fill your plate with energizing, cleansing foods that enhance your sense of life.

Move your body, in ways that you enjoy, and ways that challenge you. We are not called to be stagnant waters, we are called to be vibrant shining lights in a dark dark world.

Tune out the voices that tell you you are not enough. Not skinny enough, not smart enough, not strong enough, not pretty enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Period.

Your physical appearance should not consume you. This is a tough one for me personally, this is my business and I feel an unnecessary amount of pressure to “look the part” all the time. I need to remember that it is more than that, when I tell people all of what I’m writing in this post, I need to apply it to my own life as well. Yes, being strong and healthy and fit is a goal of mine, and I think that it is something that is good to try and achieve; I don’t want it to be my idol.


I pray that you found some comfort in this. It is a daily struggle for me to apply all of these to my life, but each day I embrace the grace I’ve been given and choose to worship Him in how I treat and think about my body.






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