Do you even Tea?

Lately I’ve been on a kick with tea, and I just wanted to share with you some of the benefits that I personally have been seeing, and also include some others that would hopefully be beneficial to you! Specifically green tea and Yerba Mate tea.

1. Antioxidants–this is something that I don’t think a lot of us really think about, but we probably should. Every day we are exposed to pollutants, chemicals, preservatives, free radicals…these things damage our cells, the basic foundation of the human body, putting us at risk for disease, fatigue, and even death! Green tea, and especially Yerba Mate tea, are chocked full of antioxidants that help to fight off the free radicals that are trying to damage our bodies all day long!

2. Energy–both teas contain caffeine, which is obviously a source of energy that probably 99% of the people reading this depend on to get through the day! Yerba Mate also contains theobromine and theophylline, which are also stimulants that act similarly to caffeine.

3. Aids in Weight Loss–Ding Ding Ding, I’m sure this is the one that most people will latch onto the quickest 😉 Green tea has thermogenic properties, which means that it can aid in the fat burning process, while Yerba Mate has properties that create a sensation of fullness after eating so you’re not as hungry all the time (please note that I am not by any means promoting an all tea diet…the proper inclusion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the name of the game with me!) It also helps your body to burn carbohydrates more efficiently so you will have more energy and your body will be functioning better during physical exercise.

I personally have noticed that my digestive system functions better while drinking 24oz of a Yerba Mate Green Tea blend per day, I sweeten it with Stevia and enjoy it hot with a splash of milk, or iced without the milk. I feel less bloated, have more mental clarity (less of that foggy mind), it can help with depression slightly, and I do notice that things are a little “cheerier” 🙂 My skin is clearer day by day now that I have been including the tea in my diet as well.

Sometimes getting a full gallon of just plain H2O in a day can be tricky, try adding in a cup or 2 of these teas and let me know how they work for you!!




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