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Protein: A Secret Weapon?

The first thing that the majority of people (women especially) do when they are on a quest to lose weight or “get healthy” is to drastically reduce how much they eat. Less food in, less weight on the body, right? Not necessarily. The majority of the time when an individual is overweight it is a result of a completely unbalanced diet and a lack of physical activity. Notice I said “unbalanced diet”, no macronutrient group (or even individual food for that matter) should ever be off limits. If a diet plan suggests that you completely cut out an entire macronutrient group (fats, carbs or protein), be leery.

Of specific importance is protein; this macronutrient is VITAL to health, performance and even weight loss. The body requires it for almost every function. It contains amino acids, is an energy source, promotes satiety, helps with immune function, and the list goes on. It also has been shown to increase your metabolism   as it requires a lot of energy to digest. This is key, think about it for a second…when you eat a meal that is packed with proteins and complex carbs, your body has to WORK to digest that meal, and that creates what is called a “thermic effect”, it is a calorie burning process; eating a bag of Doritos (as amazingly delicious as that may be) or a baked potato, doesn’t require as much energy to digest as a meal that is protein laden. If you can be burning calories just by eating the right foods…why wouldn’t you?!  But how much protein should you be eating? And what kinds are best? I’m glad you asked 😉

There are a gazillion sources and studies that will tell you a gazillion different things about protein. But in my research and studying, and personal experience, I’m going to suggest that you go with 1g/lb of body weight (so if you weight 140lbs, you would aim to eat 140g of protein a day). For me, this is an easy to determine and easy to remember number to aim for. And studies have shown that higher than the RDA for protein has been shown to be beneficial for athletes. Meeting these high protein goals can be difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, without adding in some high protein food sources like protein powders, lean meats, egg whites, etc. Play around with different brands and foods to see what you like. Keep a goal in mind to take in 20-30g (for females, 40-60g for males typically) per meal, as this will help you to be taking in sufficient protein throughout the day and not winding up sitting down to the dinner table with 100+g left to eat for the day to meet your goals. Personally I like AboutTime protein powders, they are all natural, have great flavors, mix well with everything, have 0g carbs and 0g fat and 25g of protein per serving and I can pronounce all of the ingredients 😉

Protein is key to weight management and building lean muscle, and building lean muscle is what boosts your metabolism to help you burn more calories at rest, and burning more calories means losing unwanted body fat. So the moral of the story is, protein is your friend. Every time you think to eat, make sure you are thinking protein first. Make it a lean choice, and one that is substantial in the amount of protein (a 5g snack bar isn’t the same as a 20g bar is…read your labels).

Any questions, or if you would be interested in learning more about working with me on nutrition and fitness, head on over to the Contact Me page and shoot me and email 🙂


Also referenced:

Berardi, John, and Ryan Andrews. Specialist in Fitness Nutrition. First ed. Carpinteria, CA: International Sports Science Association, 2013. Print. Unit 6 pages 159-165


Fat. Don’t fear it!

Typically when we think of trying to lose weight or “get healthy”, the first thing we do is get rid of all the fatty foods in our life. Eating fat will make us fat, right? Sure, to a point. But there is a reason that fat is in the world (food fat, not excessive body fat) and why it is important for us to know what kinds, what amounts and what times of the day are the best to incorporate this nutrient into our diets.

Fatty Acids (which is what I’ll refer to the fat in our diet in this post, so you don’t think I’m talking about the chubby kind of fat) are vital to life. They provide insulation throughout our body, are a source of energy, are essential to brain and nerve health, and they help in the transport of fat soluble vitamins in the body. And there are two kinds of fatty acids that the body cannot make on it’s own that it needs to get from dietary sources-so you HAVE to eat some fats in order for your body to function at it’s peak-Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.

Most fatty acids in our diet come from saturated fats (the kinds that tend to be solid at room temperature). Too much saturated fat is what can lead to cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, stroke, diabetes, multiple sclerosis weight gain, etc. Calm down though, eating a cheeseburger isn’t going to give you a stroke, it’s typically a problem if you have other health conditions present in conjunction with an excessive amount of saturated fat in your diet. Fat is necessary for the functions I mentioned before; nervous system health, vitamin transport, hormone balance and so on, it is all about the balance of the saturated (“bad”) fats and the other “good” fats. The saturated fats are found in beef, butter, cheese and milk.

The two fatty acids I want to focus this post on are the Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s. These two have been getting a lot of recognition lately because of the positive effects they can have on blood lipid levels, consuming more of these has been shown to improve blood cholesterol levels, improve blood vessel health, to reduce inflammation in the body and to help with metabolism. They also have been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers. The modern diet has changed so much from what it was a hundred plus years ago. We consume WAY more animal product and processed foods than our ancestors who caught fish for dinner and ate vegetables they grew on their farms did. The ratios of fats are so drastically out of proportion from where they should be for ideal bodily function. We should aim to achieve a  ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 of 1:1 in our diets. Omega 6 promote inflammation and constriction, and have blood clotting properties; while the Omega 3 do the opposite, they make our cells and blood more “fluid”, and reduce inflammation. So you can see why the balance of the two is crucial,  and too much of either one isn’t going to be a good thing.

Omega 3’s are the most crucial, because in the majority of American diets it is the most lacking, we just don’t eat enough plant (particularly marine plants like algae) or fish, or flax or things like that. Aim to include more fish oils, more flax oils, walnuts, etc into your daily intake. I love Barlean’s Omega Swirls, they taste amazing either straight up or mixed into smoothies. My kids love them too, especially since a lot of people don’t particularly enjoy fish on a regular basis, this is a delicious way to add them into your day. I have also noticed in my kids that the addition of the Omega Swirl has helped with attention and focus in my first grader, and there have been studies that suggest that Omega 3 can help with restlessness and poor focus in children, including Omega 3 in his diet has done wonders that even his teachers comment on. And I love that it helps with immunity and brain development for all three of my children.

Bottom line: fat is not the enemy. In fact, including the healthy fats mentioned in this post can yield amazing benefits! Be aware of the kinds of foods you’re eating, more than likely your diet is lacking in a healthy fat department. This is an easy fix, with a few tweaks here and there you can be on the road to a healthy, fat filled life 😉


Also referenced:

Berardi, John, and Ryan Andrews. Specialist in Fitness Nutrition. First ed. Carpinteria, CA: International Sports Science Association, 2013. Print. Unit 6 pages 159-165



What Should You Eat?

I think that the hardest thing for a lot of people starting out on their fitness journeys has to do with the food they eat. It’s pretty easy, for the most part, to follow a workout breakdown, or go for a jog, etc. Even doing things like “drink more water” or “avoid processed foods” can be relatively easy to to for a while; but things can get overwhelming. I will be starting a series on nutrient intake and talking about what foods, how much, and why they are important in the days/weeks to come. Please comment if you have any specific questions about certain foods/nutrients that you would like me to cover.

Can’t wait to have you join me!

The Best of Both Worlds

I hear so often how women “sacrifice” themselves for their families. Giving up on things that were once important to them, hobbies, jobs, their own health, etc; for the lives of those whom they love most. And I couldn’t agree, and disagree, with it more!

I am a wife, I am a mom, but I’m also ME. I have my own dreams, my own interests, my own hobbies and my own body. I believe that there is a way that we can have the best of both worlds. That our families not only deserve a mom and a wife who will do anything for them, but also one who will do anything for herself.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t want anyone reading this to think that I am trying to tell you drastically put yourself at the top of your priority list in a way that will negatively effect the rest of your family. No, I am saying that with a few schedule tweaks, and some knowledge on subjects you may not have been too keen on before, that you can have more energy, feel a little better in your skin, have some new healthy recipes in your dinner arsenal, and hopefully be a better version of the already amazing person you are!

Health and fitness is different for each of us. For some, just going for a long walk with the dog after bedtime or first thing in the morning is enough to clear our minds and give us that extra boost we need. For others, they want to tighten up a little after having a few kids and some weight training and interval cardio might be the best fit. For others, they already have the working out part down pat, but are just lost when it comes to how to feed their bodies to maximize their efforts. And yet for others, they want nothing more than to have some healthier options for meals and supplements for themselves, their kids and their husbands.

I can help with all of it; don’t settle for second best, or wait for “your time” to come. Your husband, your kids, your friends and you, all deserve the version of you that is healthy; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and yes, even physically.


I realize that the name of my business/blog is kind of random to most, if not all, of you. So I figured that an entire post dedicated to the reason I chose this would be a good idea.

There are probably a dozen “Fit Mom” “Fit Wife” “Healthy Mom”, etc blogs, all of them are amazing and I love what each of them represents and teaches. I think that I fit into those categories as well, I am a mom, I am a wife and I would consider myself to be healthy and fit. I wanted something a little bit different for my brand so that I could appeal to more than just moms and wives.

The “S”. Sweat. We love it, we hate it. It smells bad, and makes us look less than glamorous. But it also is probably one of the bodies most amazing processes and when you’re sweating you are probably doing something that is eliciting a million other bodily functions as well. Moving our bodies and sweating gets endorphins pumping, and I’m sure almost all of you have heard about these little gems, they are the “feel goods” that we get after a run, after sex, after accomplishing a brutal hike, after riding a roller coaster. And honestly, who wouldn’t want to have more of them every day? So Sweat is the first and most integral part of my acronym, cuz I love “feel goods” 🙂

“P” for Pray. Actually this one is probably the most important letter, but I couldn’t think of anything cute enough that started with a “P”! Praying, in my opinion, should be like breathing; something that we just can’t live without. I don’t want this to be a deal breaker for any potential clients, but I firmly believe that God is to be an integral part of everything that we do. Whether it’s our jobs, our parenting styles, our marriages, and even how we take care of our bodies. He gave us one body for this life, and I believe that we have a Christian responsibility and calling to take care of it as best we can in a way that is honoring to Him. So, know, that if you are training with me as a client, that I am praying for you in your fitness journey. And that I pray for myself in mine daily, for motivation, for strength, for rest, for inspiration, for peace. And that whenever we do something with God at the center of it, we cannot fail!

“E” EAT! Who doesn’t love food, and eating?! It is such an integral part of our society, food is central to almost every social event, and obviously it is vital to life. But so often people are just uneducated about how or what to eat to look and feel their best. When to eat carbs, how to prepare fish, how much protein, do I need a vitamin supplement, what is a good fat? The list goes on and on. I am here to help you answer all of those questions! I have been preparing food for others since I was 15 working in kitchens, to becoming a wife cooking for my husband, to becoming a mom cooking for my children and now as a personal trainer and nutrition specialist creating meals that are not only delicious, but also can help me (and hopefully you, too) reach fitness goals and feel my very best.

“L” Lift. As in lifting weights. I will admit that I used to be a cardio bunny. I would get on that elliptical every day and just stride my little heart out. And I would run, 4-5 miles a day, and thought I was going to become this ripped little housewife. But you know what? It never happened…I would just sweat and run and stride, and eat salads and smoothies, and I still had a little post baby pooch, and I still had scrawny arms and I really didn’t have a butt to look twice at. And then I was awakened to the notion that if women engage in weight/resistance training, that they can build muscle, and get toned, and not look like a macho man! So slowly I began to lift heavier weights and engage in more resistance training and minimal cardio and I cannot tell you how much of a life changer it has been! Not only does it help your body shape the way you want it to, but it also helps with posture, metabolism, etc.

“L” Love. The world needs more of it, I needed another letter on my acronym, and what better than Love. Be a little more forgiving, share what you know, help someone out, love yourself, love your family, love your friends, love strangers and love God. It makes the world go round.