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November Spiritual Fitness Day 3

Are you a giver? Do you donate and give your money freely and without abandon?

I think that it, obviously, is easier to be extremely generous when we have been blessed financially. When things aren’t tight, and the budget isn’t as strict; it’s easier to give to those in need.

But that isn’t what God commanded us to do. He entrusted us with everything, our bodies (which I am confident all of your reading this are taking good care of, and if not I will be expecting emails to get on that right track šŸ˜‰ ) our children, our homes and yes, even our money.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Proverbs 3:9 (NLT)

God commands us to give back to Him, what He has given to us. And He also promises that when we do this, we will be blessed exponentially.Ā 

Rick Warren hits the nail on the head pretty hard, when he says “you may think that you can’t afford to give, but the truth is, you can’t afford not to”.

This is probably one of the toughest ways to practice our faith, our society has us so “trained” to be stingy and clingy with our money. It’s OURS, WE earned, WE get to do with it whatever we want, it should go to things to make US happy. But you know what’s funny, and what my family has experienced first hand? Is that when you step out in faith, and live as though the money isn’t really yours, and you give God back his portion of it, you WILL be blessed in return.

Remember, He’s the ultimate promise keeperĀ 

November Spiritual Fitness Day 2

God follows through.

Do you ever get it where you pray for something, and then you just kinda give up, or even get a little bitter that your “request” wasn’t answered in a timely and glamorous fashion? I know that I have. :/

But you know what, there’s this Almighty Creator, this All Knowing King, who can see everything that has ever happened and everything that ever will. And so there are times when maybe we, in our VERY limited knowledge of this life, don’t have the right answers. On one hand that is kind of an intimidating concept, but on the other hand it’s also extremely comforting. That we are not in control, that we have a direct line to the one who is.

RomansĀ 8:28Ā ā€œAnd we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.ā€

Everything works together for His ultimate plan when we trust in Him.

I encourage you (and myself) today to do our best, in our broken and pathetic human state, to trust in that promise. When life throws us some heavy crap, some major curve balls, we have this foundation. That when we are believers in Him, and are doing our best to align our lives with His plans, that everything will work together for good. He has our best interests at heart, and we can rest assured, that He will bring us out of whatever muck we happen to be in at the moment.

November Spiritual Fitness Day 1

For the month of November I am going to attempt to write a post a day, based on a passage in scripture, that will help to increase our spiritual fitness.

I believe that we are multi faceted beings, and that it is crucial for us to not get caught up in just one area of our lives and neglect the others. That being said, the most critical aspect that we need to have cultivated and focused on, is our relationship with our Maker. He designed us to need Him, and without spending time in His word or listening to what he has to say to us, we are subject to so many other areas of our lives crumbling.

So here goes!

ā€œI have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.ā€ (Job 23:12b NIV)

We need to intentionally fill our souls with the word of God. Not just “oh yea, I know what the Bible says, and that God loves meā€¦” Instead we need to meditate on it, which simply means focused thinking. Instead of focusing our thinking on our worries and our troubles and our anxieties and all that we’ve got going on; we need to focus on Him and what He says to us.

Everything we ever need to get through any situation can be found in His word. Sure, it might not say “Sally, you should take that job at the bank instead of the one at the school” in Daniel chapter 5. šŸ™‚ But if you spend time reading it, and then time in quiet prayer, and listening to Christian radio, you’ll be surprised how God places things on your heart and mind.

So there’s the start! To get this ball rolling, let’s all make an effort to each day be consciously incorporating more of God and less of the world in our days. The types of music you listen to is a perfect way to start.

Blessings for a Spiritually saturated November!

Do you even Tea?

Lately I’ve been on a kick with tea, and I just wanted to share with you some of the benefits that I personally have been seeing, and also include some others that would hopefully be beneficial to you! Specifically green tea and Yerba Mate tea.

1. Antioxidants–this is something that I don’t think a lot of us really think about, but we probably should. Every day we are exposed to pollutants, chemicals, preservatives, free radicalsā€¦these things damage our cells, the basic foundation of the human body, putting us at risk for disease, fatigue, and even death! Green tea, and especially Yerba Mate tea, are chocked full of antioxidants that help to fight off the free radicals that are trying to damage our bodies all day long!

2. Energy–both teas contain caffeine, which is obviously a source of energy that probably 99% of the people reading this depend on to get through the day! Yerba Mate also contains theobromine and theophylline, which are also stimulants that act similarly to caffeine.

3. Aids in Weight Loss–Ding Ding Ding, I’m sure this is the one that most people will latch onto the quickest šŸ˜‰ Green tea has thermogenic properties, which means that it can aid in the fat burning process, while Yerba Mate has properties that create a sensation of fullness after eating so you’re not as hungry all the time (please note that I am not by any means promoting an all tea dietā€¦the proper inclusion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is the name of the game with me!) It also helps your body to burn carbohydrates more efficiently so you will have more energy and your body will be functioning better during physical exercise.

I personally have noticed that my digestive system functions better while drinking 24oz of a Yerba Mate Green Tea blend per day, I sweeten it with Stevia and enjoy it hot with a splash of milk, or iced without the milk. I feel less bloated, have more mental clarity (less of that foggy mind), it can help with depression slightly, and I do notice that things are a little “cheerier” šŸ™‚ My skin is clearer day by day now that I have been including the tea in my diet as well.

Sometimes getting a full gallon of just plain H2O in a day can be tricky, try adding in a cup or 2 of these teas and let me know how they work for you!!




Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Tis the season! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice coffee, pumpkin candles, PUMPKIN EVERYTHING!!!

It smells amazing, makes you feel warm and cozy and it just celebrates fall. But did you know that pumpkin puree actually has some health benefits!? Now, I’m talking about plain pumpkinā€¦not sweetened pumpkin, not pumpkin flavored cookies or breadsā€¦just the pumpkin puree, from the vegetable šŸ˜‰

Fiber this is a hard one for most Americans to consume the recommended daily amount (at least 25g per day). But pumpkin puree contains about 7g per cup! Fiber can aid in weight loss since it leads to a feeling of fullness, while not adding extra calories. It also helps promote regularity and promote digestive health.

IronĀ this mineral helps with immunity and can be a good supplement if you suffer from anemia (which a lot of women engaged in athletic training do). Women should aim to consume 18mg per day, and pumpkin contains 3g per cup.

Vitamin A one cup of pumpkin puree contains 1900mcg of vitamin A, and the recommended daily intake is 700-800mcg so this is a GREAT source, vitamin A helps with immunity, healthy skin, healthy teeth and bones.

Pumpkin Seeds they contain fats that can help to lower “bad” (LDL) cholesterol levels. They also contain tryptophan which causes an increase in serotonin levels which can help to boost your mood.

CarotenoidsĀ in pumpkin help to ward of cancer and can help to prevent wrinkles caused by free radicals

Potassium one cup of pumpkin has 564 milligrams of potassium, a banana has 422g. Potassium helps with blood pressure, bloating and energy.

Vitamin CĀ this too helps to boost immunity and fight off colds and infections. One cup of pumpkin puree contains 11mg of Vitamin C and the recommended daily intake is 60mg.


So stock up on your pumpkins now! Add them to your smoothies, soups and stews! Get creative with your use and enjoy all the yummy (and healthy!) goodness they have to offer <3

What Drives You?

When most of us start something new, a new job or a new relationship or a new diet/workout plan, we have a motivator. It could be to make more money, to get married, or obviously to lose weight; this post will focus on the diet/workout plan because, well, this is a fitness coaching business šŸ˜‰

I want to encourage all of you who are currently working with me, and those of you who are reading this just because you’re curious to think about your motivators. What makes you do the things that you do? They are most likely, no offense, worldly things. To “look better” to “be skinnier” to “fit into size ___”. Why are those things so important to us? Well, it’s just because we’re human, we’re sinful and selfish by nature and we just can’t help it. We can, however, choose to set our sights on something else while still having those little worldly drivers chirping in our ear. What if the reasons that we are engaging in a workout plan, or focusing on cleaning up our diets had to do with Christ? Have you ever thought about it like that? I am like most of you, I want to look fit, to be strong, to feel sexyā€¦but lately I have been really trying to change my focus from ME to HIM. He made me, He made you, He created us and knows our bodies and made each one in it’s own unique way. There is not another YOU in the whole world, think about that! So what are you doing to make that one, individual, one-of-a-kind body something that glorifies it’s maker? Are you taking care of it? Are you loving it? Or are you abusing it? Disgusted with it? Treating it poorly and filling it with disease?

I am urging all of you to change your focus, don’t think about a weight loss journey, or a new outlook on nutrition as a worldly selfish thing, don’t do it so that you can look like someone else; stop comparing yourself to other people (and yes, I am guilty of this tooā€¦) remember that He broke the mold when he made YOU. So when you decide that you want to truly live for your Maker, do it in a body that is honoring to Him, that shows appreciation for the wondrous work that you are. That doesn’t mean you have to be a certain pant size, or be able to run a certain distance; it means that you care about and are appreciative of the body, the temple, that you have been given.

Feed your body good foods, move your body so that it functions optimally, rest your body so that it can heal itself, and love your body because the One who loves you more than you could ever imagine made it just for you.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. Therefore honor God with your body”

How To Make It Stick

So many times we hear about, or even have experienced ourselves, making new resolutions to change our lives. We go into the new “plan” guns blazing ready to conquer the world, only to have it all lose it’s sparkle a few weeks later. Why is this? There are probably a million answers why: scheduling issues, illness, financial stress, lack of desire, the list goes on.

So how can we make a change that will stick? My answer: make it gradual. The majority of the weight loss schemes these days are flashy and bright, they promise extreme weight loss and a glamourous body in 14 days. But to get there you have to eat nothing but cucumbers and a shake for 2 weeks, and then continue to eat cucumbers and shakes to maintain your new dream bod. Think about that, is that even realistic? Of course not! Life is about balance. You are going to go to a wedding and have a glass of wine and a piece of cake. You’re going to go to a birthday party and have a piece of pizza and a beer. There will be days when working out doesn’t work with your schedule, or you just want to curl up on the couch and watch TV with your family. THAT’S OK!!Ā Life is about balance. Anything that says that you have to give up life’s simple pleasures or cut out entire food groups from your diet or rearrange your entire schedule to workout for 2-3 hours a day, for the average person, is just not do able. Sure, there are those who can sustain a lifestyle that way, but chances are they aren’t terribly happy with it.

Be gentle with yourself, be forgiving of yourself and your “slip ups”. I can’t tell you how many times I get texts and emails from clients “confessing” to a “cheat” or the fact that they missed a workout and feel so terrible about it. Brush yourself off, learn from your experiences and keep on keeping on. Now, let me make it clear that I am not saying that you should ALWAYS be skipping workouts or having cocktails and chips and salsaā€¦think of the 80/20 or 90/10 rule, 80-90% of the time try to keep your diet right on track and really push yourself in your workouts, so that the other 10-20% of the time you can indulge and enjoy life a little bit.

The idea behind the SPELL Fitness program is to make it sustainable, for there to be enough variety in your diet and in your workouts, and to have someone in your corner motivating and encouraging you so that this becomes a lifestyle, and not a quick fix diet.Ā Life is about balance. God gave us a body to take care of, a circle of friends and family to lean on and love, and a whole world of amazing things to experience.

Sweat Pray Eat Lift and Love.Ā 

It’s really that simple šŸ™‚

What Does God Say About Health and Fitness?

This is such a broad and open-to-opinion subject, but since faith is the basis for what my business is built on, I wanted to write a post about how I interpret the Word when it comes to our bodies and our health. (Key beingĀ I interpretā€¦as in, this is my opinion. You’re entitled to yours as well šŸ™‚ )

God created us to be in His image, perfect and blameless before Him. We fell short in the Garden of Eden, but have been redeemed through the sacrifice of His Son. Now we have one earthly body, and an eternity of perfection promised to those who accept that Jesus is their Savior. ThatĀ earthly body is what I’m interested in šŸ˜‰ I don’t think God put us here to just go through the motions. 2 Timothy 1:7 ““For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.Ā  We are to be intentional with our lives, and to take control of them, including our health. He gave us things to enjoy! Beautiful places to see, amazing people to meet. But if we are tired, or hungry, or sickā€¦we can’t fully enjoy what He has provided for us. Obesity and eating disorders are directly linked with anxiety and depression, when the body is not properly fed and conditioned, it affects us on more than just an aesthetic level. Hormone levels get thrown all out of whack, which leads to emotional instability, sleep disruption, appetites get blown out of proportion, and it creates a vicious cycle. Please note, that I am not saying that everyone has to be a certain clothing size, or fit into a certain “look”. The key is that we are HEALTHY, and that could look a little different for everyone.

“Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” 3 John 1:2

I think that God wants us to be happy, to enjoy His creation, to feel a sense of balance and pleasure in life. And in my experience, being in a state of physical health makes all of those more of a reality. Not feeling exhausted at the end of a walk around a shopping mall, being able to get good restful sleep, having your hormones balanced so that unexpected life stressors aren’t as overwhelming, having energy to run and play with your kids, feeling confident in your skin; these are not things of vanity. Yes, there are people who will take them to the extreme, and become obsessed and lose sight of what is really important. But God doesn’t want us to forget about the fact that we have a body, a temple for His Holy Spirit, a gift from Him that we are to treasure and care for.

“Because My Body Is a Temple”Ā 
“1 Corinthians 6:19”

Love yourself like God loves you. He wants you to be happy, to be healthy, to be balanced, and to enjoy this life.

Filling in the Gaps

A lot of attention is given in the health and fitness industry to dietary components like the right kinds of carbs, drinking enough water, how much fat should be included or excluded, etc. These are all crucial components of building a strong and healthy physique and for optimizing fitnessĀ goals. There is another piece, though, that doesn’t get quite as much attention, and it’s something that I am quite passionate about, especially for myself and my family: the smaller parts, the micronutrients.

Micronutrients are nutrients that are required in much smaller amounts than the macros (again, macronutrients are protein, fat and carbs), but they are vital for so many bodily processes. They are needed for proper metabolism of the foods that we eat, for growth and tissue repair, they help with performance for athletes, and they boost immunity, help with mood, healing and along with a variety of other amazing processes. In this post we’ll touch on a few of the vitamins, and save the minerals for another day šŸ˜‰ Ā There are two categories of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble.



The fat soluble vitamins, obviously, require a lipid for their absorption and storage in the body. However, this also means that they can become stored up in larger amounts since they are not flushed out of the body quickly like the water soluble vitamins can. Of particular importance is Vitamin A, which can reach toxic high levels when overused. The likelihood of toxicity is low when eating foods with Beta-Carotene (which is the natural precursor for vitamin A), but if you take a supplement that contains a synthetic form you can overdo it. So pay attention to your labels, and opt for food/natural sources like carrots, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe. And special attention should be paid if you are pregnant, as there have been studies that show that high levels of Vitamin A can cause birth defects, so always talk with your physician if you have any concerns.

The other fat soluble vitamin are D, E and K. Notice that all of these require fat, therefore if you are on a very low fat/low calorie diet the likelihood that you will develop deficiencies of these vitamins is higher as there will be absorption difficulties with the lack of fat present. Vitamin A is commonly recognized as being important for vision health, but can also help with growth, immunity, bone growth, cancer prevention, and reproductive function.

  • Vitamin D is important for the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus to support bone growth. Vitamin D is interesting because we can get it from the sun, so persons who don’t get frequent sun exposure are more at risk for being deficient in this vitamin. Look for foods that are fortified with Vitamin D (milk is a common one), and foods like halibut, salmon, shrimp are also good dietary sources.
  • Vitamin E helps with red blood cell formation, and has been thought to be helpful with sexual reproduction. It may also be helpful in preventing heart disease, especially in older adults. Additional supplementation with vitamin E is thought to help with performance in athletes, especially at high altitudes. The richest food sources for vitamin E are vegetable oil (soybean, corn, peanut, safflower), nuts, wheat germ are also products that contain it.
  • Vitamin K is most known for its effects on prothrombin (blood clotting). It is typically not deficient in those eating balanced diets, but if green vegetables are restricted then there can be lower levels present.

The water soluble vitamins include C, the B’s (1,2,3,6,B-12), Biotin and Pantothenic Acid. Because they are water soluble they are not stored in the body in large amounts and need to be replenished daily to prevent deficiency.

There are more vitamins, and a handful of minerals as well, that all are vital to helping the body to work its very best. Ā While deficiencies are not common in most people who have a well balanced diet; engaging in physical activity puts your body under additional stress and therefore requires additional supplementation.Ā Be sure to eat a variety of foods, fruits and vegetables that are rich in color contain lots of vitamins; as well as lean meats, poultry and fish.

Bottom line: consider taking a multivitamin supplement, analyze your diet (or have it looked over by someone who is trained in nutritionĀ šŸ™‚Ā ) for any areas that you may be falling short on recommended intake, and be sure to include a variety of different kinds of foods in your diet. This way you’ll be sure to fill in all the gaps šŸ™‚


Also referenced:

Gastelu, Daniel, and Frederick C. Hatfield.Ā Specialist in Performance Nutrition: The Complete Guide. Carpinteria, CA: International Sports Sciences Association, 2000. 98-116. Print.